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Stand Up Against Your Finances: A Woman's Financial Testimony of Hope.


Lynnette Buck of Lynnette Buck Ministries shares her financial testimony of hope, filled with financial insights that married and single women can glean from and be encouraged to take control of their money now.

female spending money

Lynnette begins by sharing that, as a single woman living paycheck to paycheck, she would spend her money freely and end the weekend with one dollar left over.

Do you ever consider the second income that frequently comes with marriage may also come with someone else’s debt?

Lynnette shares that although she freely spent money as a single woman, she didn’t have much debt. However, as with every marriage, if your new spouse has debt, you acquire it too. It's a package deal.

Despite being married, her lifestyle of living paycheck to paycheck didn't cease, and her free-spending habits continued. But now two people were freely spending.

Then Lynnette shares how her Sunday School class offered a study on finances.

Was she interested in the class? Not necessarily. She explains that she “didn’t feel it would make a huge difference, but it was being offered,” and she knew “something needed to change.”

She confesses, “We were always in overdraft. We just spent. We didn’t really keep track. We just spent.”

Can you relate to Lynnette’s story so far?

Whether you are married or single, a parent or not, scripture says, “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” (Proverbs 14:1).

College graduation

Hear Lynnette share how her household income became controlled, and she began “Telling my money where to go.” She explained how her home got paid off, and she and her two children graduated from college without anyone incurring any debt. That is three degrees and no debt!

She also describes how she now enjoys the "freedom to give."

Many listeners will connect with this episode, which is filled with valuable financial insights for any household. It addresses the importance of being content while your money works for you and the struggle we face when tempted to get our self-esteem from material possessions. She also emphasizes the need to resist tackling household projects that can wait until you can pay for the project in full, especially when it's so easy to go into debt and get immediate satisfaction in having nicer things. She states, "It's hard to delay gratification." Have you felt the same way?

Do you trust God with your money? Lynnette declares, “I don’t worry about money near as much anymore.” See why she says this.


Our income has many demands. Do you struggle to tithe, pay for children’s extracurricular activities, help them buy their first car, and worry about their college expenses while trying to invest in your own future by building your 401 (K)? If so, listen to Lynnette’s story and find encouragement and resources.

Did Lynnette adapt to every financial concept she was introduced to? No, she found what worked best for her and her family. You can do the same.

Single women often think financial comfort or even freedom comes through marriage. But with a little guidance and desire, there are ways singles can, too, take control of their finances. Lynnette also shares one thing single women need to know about themselves before marriage regarding money.

Individual woman with her fist in the air and sunshine in the background

Lynnette's story isn't about finding financial relief through marriage. It is a story of taking control of your money and being free. Are you ready to take charge, stand up against your finances, and tell your money where to go?

Listen to Stand Up Against Your Finances: A Financial Testimony of Hope and find a resource that works for you as Lynnette did. Other links are available on Amazon Music, Spotify, and iTunes.

Sign up for the Trust Begins Where Unbelief Ends newsletter to stay updated on episodes and more.

Find out more about Lynnette Buck Ministries here.

Additional Resources are listed below as a convenience for anyone wanting to begin their research on controlling their money and not letting it control them. I am not affiliated with the resources listed below or mentioned in the episode. As always, you are encouraged to do your own research and find resources that suit you best.


Works Cited: Zondervan NIV Study Bible. Grand Rapids, MI. Zondervan 2020. Print.


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