These are five books that have significantly influenced me. And one that I enjoy. I selected most of them because they have affected my worldview, and I have practiced their intended lesson(s) since reading them. Have you ever read a book and had the message stick with you years later?

In no order of preference or impact, these are those books:
1. This Present Darkness by Frank E. Peretti
I first encountered this book in my 30s, and it confirmed my idea of spiritual warfare. I believe an invisible battle is being fought for us, and this fictional story explains it well. I have recommended this book to others and have read it twice myself.
2. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell
A supervisor gave me this book when I entered a management position as a single woman. It taught me that authentic leadership is about guiding and supporting others to where their path is leading them rather than simply getting your team to listen to you. This lesson has helped me in both professional and personal settings.
Since it was first introduced to me in the office, I’ve recognized it in many other offices and have suggested it to other people in leadership positions, whether they work in an office setting or not.
3. Falling in Love with Jesus by Dee Brestin and Kathy Troccoli
Reading this book while single helped me embrace the importance of prioritizing my relationship with Jesus. It made me realize that the qualities often sought after in relationships are the qualities we should turn to Jesus to experience. This is a must-read for single women.
4. Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas
This book offers real-life examples of common marital challenges and emphasizes that marriage exposes our true selves. Every Christian should read this. If they are married, they should read it with their spouse. But I encourage singles (never married and divorced) to read it, too. They will better understand marriage and what it can be. It describes marriage in a very realistic and detailed manner.
5. The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
Corrie Ten Boom found war entering her front door. She bravely stood her ground. Her faith did not waver through the battle she was trapped in. She knew what she believed, and she relied on her belief to see her through the abuse, death, and chaotic adversity. She didn’t discover her faith through the ordeal. She already knew what and who she believed in, which is how she persevered. She showed me that we must be prepared because life may happen anytime. And I want to be ready like she was. Corrie Ten Boom’s stance inspires me years after reading it.
6. Chicken Soup for the Soul, any laughter edition
We all need a good laugh. And when I read silently to myself but laugh out loud. Well, do I need to explain? I love taking one of these on long trips when I am the passenger or having one around the house for those rainy days when I need a lift from amusement.
Reading for Influence
I probably selected these first five books because their messages don’t go out of style. Married or single Christian women can glean hope and encouragement from all these books. The messages are solid, biblically truthful, and meaningful yesterday, today, and will be tomorrow. And the 6th selection, well, like I said, we all need a good laugh.

Consider the impact of the books you read have on your life. Have they impacted you? Do they help your faith grow? Is there a book you repeatedly recommend to others? Which one and why?